ITESC – 40 ANOS: O Instituto Teológico de Santa Catarina: 1973-2012
Resumo: O artigo mostra como a história dos 40 anos do ITESC coincide com a dos 50 anos
do início do Concílio. Observa como os Bispos de Santa Catarina, em 1972-73, ao criarem
o ITESC, estavam todos inspirados pelas propostas conciliares. Pouco antes, em 1970, fora
criado o Regional Sul IV da CNBB, abrangendo as dioceses do Estado, então em número
de sete. Procurava-se, também, pôr em prática as propostas da Conferência de Medellin, de
1968 e, em muitos setores da pastoral, aderia-se ao Método da “criatividade comunitária”. O
Diretor do ITESC, P. Bratti, optou decididamente pela eclesiologia do Vaticano II, surgindo
daí um conflito entre ortodoxia e ortopraxia. Em 1976 é criado o Diretório Acadêmico dos
estudantes. O longo pontificado de João Paulo II deixou marcas na evolução do ITESc. Na
década de 90 criaram-se os “Seminários Teológicos” das várias dioceses, com exceção
de Chapecó. Em 1978 conseguiu-se o reconhecimento dos estudos do ITESC pela Santa
Sé, com a concessão do Bacharelado eclesiástico através da Faculdade de Teologia da
Companhia de Jesus. Finalmente, o Bacharelado civil, pelo MEC, em 2011-2012. No final
do artigo, uma “visão de conjunto”, abrindo perspectivas de esperança.
Abstract: The author is pointing to the fact that the period of 40 years of ITESC coincides
with 50 years since the beginning of the Council. He then lets us know that the bishops
of Santa Catarina, in 1972-73, were inspired by the ideals of the Council by creating the
ITESC, the theological school established in Florianópolis. In fact, just before that date, in
1970, the ecclesial organization, named Regional Sul IV of CNBB was founded, known as
the national conference of Catholic bishops in Brazil, integrating seven dioceses of the State
of Santa Catarina. It was an attempt to put into practice the objectives of the Conference of
Medellin held in 1968. In many sectors of the pastoral activity the method of “communitarian
creativity” was adopted. The director of ITESC was the late Father Paulo Bratti who put to
full use the ecclesiology of Vatican II, causing a conflict between orthodoxy and orthopraxis.
In 1976 was created the Academic Organization of the student body of ITESC. The lengthy
pontifical reign of Pope John Paul II left a decisive marc of the evolution of ITESC. In the
decade of the nineties, several “diocesan seminaries” were created in Florianópolis. In
1978 an important event took place by the recognition of the academic status of ITESC
by the Holy See in Rome granting the degree of Bachelor in theology through its affiliation
with the theological school of the Jesuits. Finally, the Ministry of Education of the Brazilian
State Department authorized ITESC to grant the academic degree of Bachelor of theology
in 2011-2012. In the conclusion of the article a wider perspective opens up to the reader by
promising a future of even greater achievements.