Dom Oscar Romero, Santo da América
Resumo: O autor, apresentando com paixão a figura extraordinária de Dom
Romero, começa evocando o momento final do seu martírio, na tarde de 24
de março de 1980. Descreve o contexto da sua trajetória na pequena mas
superpovoada república da América Central, El Salvador, o “país dos 14 sobrenomes”.
Retrata-o como “sacerdote e bispo à imagem de Cristo”, mostra a
sua entrega total à causa dos pobres e, também, a sua “noite escura”, ao ver-se
incompreendido até pelo Papa. Comenta, ainda, as “duas Missas interrompidas”:
a do seu martírio e a das exéquias, completadas enfim pela solene Missa da
beatificação, na Praça “Salvador do mundo”, no dia 23 de maio p.p.
Abstract: The author presents quite enthusiastically the outstanding personage
of Bishop Romero, beginning by evoking the final moment of his martyrdom on
the evening of the 24th of March of 1980. He then describes the context of his
trajectory in a relatively small but overpopulated republic of Central America, El
Salvador, a country with 14 surnames. His portrait as “priest and Bishop in the
image of Christ” displays his pledge to the cause of the poor and also his “dark
night” because he wasn’t understood even by the pope. Mention is made of the
“two interrupted Masses”: one of his martyrdom and his funeral, but consummated
finally by the solemn Mass of beatification on the public square “Savior of the
World”, on the 23rd of May of 2015.