“Não me toques” ou “Não me busques”? Uma nova tradução de Jo 20,17?
Resumo: O artigo procura solucionar, com a ajuda da filologia Greco-semítica,
algumas das dificuldades do relato joanino da aparição do Ressuscitado a Maria
Madalena (Jo 20,11-18), especialmente o v. 17, cuja tradução usual levanta dificuldades
insuperáveis. A tradução proposta pelo autor soluciona coerentemente
essas dificuldades. Por que não acolhê-la e oficializá-la?
Abstract: The aim of the article is to apply philological resources available in
Greek and Semitic languages to solve some linguistic and thematic difficulties
of a text, extant in the Gospel of Saint John. The textual issues involved need
some insight into the interpretation of the scene of the apparition of the Risen
Christ in the presence of Mary Magdalene (Jo 20:11-18). The verse in question is
that of verse 17, whose translation gives rise to some insurmountable difficulties.
The translation suggested by the author offers a coherent solution to all of these
difficulties. Thus why not adopt this solution from now on to be approved by the
official instances of the Church?