Igreja a serviço do Reino no século XXI
Resumo: Para superar as tentações de eclesiocentrismo e estar a serviço
do Reino nas relações concretas com as pessoas excluídas nas sociedades
dominadas pelo capitalismo, a Igreja precisa retomar o sentido histórico de sua
missão, tendo como referência a prática e a palavra de Jesus de Nazaré e os
sinais dos tempos no Século XXI.
Abstract: In order to overcome the temptations of centralization in ecclesial
exclusivist tendency while it endeavors to render a service for the benefit of
the Kingdom of God on behalf of the people who are excluded from societies
under the sway of capitalism, it is imperative that the Church be aware that it
has to reassume its role to restore the historical sense of its mission. Its mark
of reference should be the activity of Jesus of Nazareth and his words focusing
as well on the signs of time of the 21th century.